Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Measurement - KPI Setting for My Self in (OMG) a gym when Im surrounded by Narcists

What a lame title. Yey, im finally joining a gym. More like forced to join a gym. I swear though, that my reason of joining was spawned from a deep contemplation, yes, a deep contemplation in a hospital. NO NO NO, not due to any obese related sickness, it was dengue. But still being in a hospital made you think.

And it come to .. how do I measure it.

Balanced scorecard split the aspect of reaching goals into 4 spokes
1. Financial
2. Processes
3. Customers
4. Learning

Well I might as well try to split my goal of being healthy into those 4 spokes:

1. Processes:
For me to go through 6 months of PT (personal trainer) madness. I can't believe it either.
Well I suppose I have to control my appetite ?
2. Customers
To get her involved ... yea yea yea the customer is the wife, but need her to be involved AKA get to the gym also.
3. Financial
Have trouble measuring this one, I just now that we're poorer by quite a sum.
4. Learning
Fat <> Healthy, face it. If I make it this time (after so much failed attempt), better make sure I stay ...

I need to keep measuring what is important. Gym is full of narcists, so one really2 wrong measure for me would be STANDING IN FRONT OF MIRRORS, FLEXING MY MUSCLES ...
Really ... fat, thin, muscled, flabby, I see these narcists admiring themselves.

Appearance not really matters ... Health yes


Thursday, May 15, 2008

Living in The Realm of NOW ....

You know what pissed me off ...

Those who are living on the realm of what could be. Those who are filled with regret and I should've done a b c d e f g.

You know that people usually pissed off about me? I lived in the realm of what if. Shooting out critical question (and man im good in that) in what if a b c d e f g. Putting doubt in people's mind because Im a critical thinker :p

You know what will solve the problem? Living in the realm of NOW. Humans are heldback by the law of nature that we can only exist in now. The previous is a memory, tomorrow despite of our best laid out plan is merely a fantasy, we can only exist for NOW, adapt for NOW.

I am a cost accounting consultant (primarily), you know what I usually see? People obsessing over BUDGET. Top management would change the budget TONS of time, providing countless of budget iteration. The usual question I asked was "which iteration usually nearest to the actual" ... the answer "the first". Why on earth you spend three months for a process that can take only a month ? It's a "strategic" decision u say it's suppose to be long. B*lls*it.

I would rather have my staff improve our position of Now.

Live in the realm of now ... will you ?

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Adapt The Gameplan ...

It's not about me ... well maybe ...

But yesterday I met a client, who clearly have a gameplan in his mind. Mind you this is a long time client that we have, and I already know some of them quite some time.

Back to Mr. "Client", he clearly have a gameplan and it seems he has been cultivating it in his mind for quite sometime. He come to the meeting room room, scribble scribble scribble .. and BANG BANG BANG !!! But he forgot ... His gameplan didn't include ME being in the room ...
After BANG BANG BANG !!! he shoot out sweet words ...

What a ridiculous thing to watch

It got me thinking though, somehow we seem to fall in love with our gameplan. We develop it in our mind, making it grander and bigger. We approach a challenge with our plan ... And mind you the first minutes, plan will have to adapt ..

Or you risk looking like a fool .....

Like the person I met yesterday ...