Saturday, April 26, 2008

Business Related Things I Learned at Hospital

Business related things I learned while contracting Dengue and hospitalized (still do on this writing)
1. Sometimes shit happen out of the blue.
2. Prioritize but don't underestimate. those small bastards can still cause problem
3. Crysis times equals crysis method (eat hospital food . blah)
4. Crysis method equals crysis KPI (red blood cell couny?)
5. A sudden upturn while uplifting should be looked at with vigil. (Dengue's first sign of cure actually is the critical part.)
6. The cure will need some new insight (injection of fluid)
7. With something obvious (REST STOOPID !!!)
8. You'll need honest brutal assesment. (Those $$$$ Doctors)
9. While the day to day activities will still be around (eat, changing clothes, pee)
10.Albeit at more complicated crysis induced way.
a. yucky taste
b. changing clothes wt a needle stuck to ur hand
c. peeing with only 1 free hand withovt wetting ur shorts
11.The challenge is surviving the impending aftermath and learn from it...


Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Confession of a superhero leader....

Wife always say, you live in a dream world ... usually when she's tired of seeing me in front of the PC ... playing games. Oh and also when she saw me watching cartoons ... superheroes one ...

The more I think of it, Im now quite sure it has something to do with a desire to do something, as a difference maker. People watching superhero movie, playing games (FPS, where we are the good guys) wants to be a difference maker. The Idea of one person, can matter so much is so appealing.

Some of us continue in it's fantasy, others try to follow their superheroes. Well after a while in a leadership position, I found that while the desire to be difference maker is very noble, to execute it in superhero manner .. is a NO NO.

Tried it, to do everything by myself, to make a difference by working harder than everybody. Nope ... toooottt wrong answer ...

Not really claiming that I know the answer, but it's just occurred to me, what if, instead of executing like a hero, I helped people to have that superhero desire. Then execute as human as possible. But maybe ... just maybe ... a lot of ordinary people with superhero desires, will achieve super hero results.

Just face it we are human beings ..